Through specialised drills and assessment teachers assist students in fine tuning their technique & building stamina.


Presquad swimmers are typically young children who are just starting out in their swimming journey and are not yet ready to join a competitive swim team. The specific skills and techniques that they learn can vary depending on their age, ability level, and the program they are enrolled in. However, some common things that presquad swimmers may learn include:

Presquad swimmers still particpate in basic water safety skills, such as treading water, and how to call for help if they need it, basic safe rescues, safe behaviour around water environments.

Presquad swimmers continue to work on the various swimming strokes, including freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. They will typically focus learning proper technique and body positioning through specialised drills.

Drills benefit strong technique building and include working on improving segments of the strokes, breath control, floating and gliding.

Presquad swimmers learn about basic pool etiquette, such as how to share a lane and how to behave appropriately around other swimmers as class sizes will increase.

This class also begins working towards endurance, team work, and competition skills; race starts, dives, turns & finishes. 

We work closely with students wishing to participate in the interschool carnival and have numerous students competing in the Interschool Swimming Carnival, Zones & District Levels. We offer our past and current students free extra training if they are participating in these swimming competitions.

Overall, the goal of presquad swimming lessons is to provide children with a solid foundation of basic swimming skills and techniques, which will help them progress to more advanced levels of swimming if they choose to continue with the sport. Lessons vary each week so swimmers enjoy variety in classes.


Certificates: Pirahnas, Bronze, Silver & Gold


  • Children MUST wear caps and goggles to every class.

  • Children MUST wear correct swimwear. Girls; 1 piece bathers. Boys; fitted shorts or budgie smugglers 🙂

  • Flippers will be used at times and it is best for students to have their own.

  • We recommend water bottles in the warmer months to help with hydration.